Shock absorbers – what is their purpose and why are they so important?

Every motorist knows that safety should be the top priority. Accordingly, a conscientious driver pays more regular attention to active and passive safety systems in his vehicle, as well as to the condition of the tires, as well as perfect lighting and other essential systems that ensure the necessary safety while driving. But very few here are aware that other components on the vehicle are also essential for getting from A to B safely. Did you know, for example, that defective shock absorbers could also be dangerous on the road? In more than half of the accidents involving older vehicles, there are also defects in the shock absorbers. Because, contrary to what the name suggests, the shock absorbers alone do not ensure that there is a special level of driving comfort. No, the shock absorbers also maintain contact between the wheel and the road surface, i.e. the grip of the tyres. There are various factors on which the condition of the shock absorbers depends. Among other things, these are the condition of the road and the mileage of the vehicle, the average load, and external factors such as dust, salt, moisture, but a sporty driving style also has a less positive influence on the condition of the shock absorbers.

How exactly can I imagine the effects of defective shock absorbers?

If you notice that the body rocks and is difficult to control after every braking operation, after every bump or after the steering, then you can assume that the cause lies in defective shock absorbers. Even if you are an experienced driver, you cannot compensate for these shortcomings with a skillful driving style. In the worst case, you can even skid while driving. Aquaplaning can also occur here even at low speeds if you are driving on wet roads in the rain.

A vehicle can therefore only optimally follow the driver's steering commands if the shock absorbers are in good condition.

What causes the shock absorbers to wear out?

Now the question arises to what extent wear and tear of the components in question occurs at all and how this can be prevented or at least delayed in the best possible way.

In general, it can be stated here that dirt, moisture, but also corrosion are the most common causes of premature wear on the shock absorbers. The problem with the gradual wear of these components is that the driver usually does not even realize that the driving behavior of his vehicle has changed. When driving over a bump, the damping of the vehicle usually feels ideal for the driver, as comfort only deteriorates bit by bit here. In order to be able to find out whether and to what extent the condition of the shock absorbers has changed, you should visit a workshop every 20,000 kilometers and have them inspected. Specialists immediately recognize signs of corrosion or defects and know exactly what to do. Important at this point: never do DIY repairs on your vehicle's shock absorbers. Entrust the work to specialists who have been properly trained for these tasks.

What are the different_types of shock absorbers?

There are components here that are based on oil and components that are based on gas pressure. The oil pressure dampers, which were usually fitted as standard at the time, quickly tended to foam up the oil. The longer the vehicle was on the road, the more the damping properties could decrease. This then resulted in poorer grip of the tires on the road, which in turn reduced road safety.

Bubbles could no longer form in the gas pressure dampers, since nitrogen prevents the damper oil from foaming. As a result, the damping properties of a vehicle that was equipped with gas pressure dampers had ideal damping properties, even over long journeys.

 How can I prevent my shock absorbers from wearing out prematurely? 

One or the other motorist may now ask themselves how premature wear of the shock absorbers can be delayed or even prevented. Basically, shock absorbers are typical wearing parts and they will have to be replaced one day anyway. However, if the driver takes certain factors into account, the replacement of these components can be delayed somewhat. To do this, you should follow these tips:

  • !Road salt, dirt on the road and moisture should be avoided as far as possible. When winter is over, you should drive your vehicle to the car wash and don't do without underbody care. Thus, the salt of the past winter months that has accumulated on the underside of the vehicle will be completely removed and wear and tear will occur less frequently.
  • ! In addition, longer idle times of your vehicle should be avoided as far as possible.
  • < i class="as-icon as-icon--exclamation-triangle">! Also remember to have your car inspected by professionals in a workshop every 20,000 kilometers. In this way, undiscovered leaks can be identified and remedied relatively early on.
  • !Also, be careful to avoid frequent heavy loading. If your vehicle has to absorb an exceptionally high weight, the shock absorbers will of course wear out much faster.
  • !But the road conditions are also decisive factors that can determine how long the shock absorbers remain in good condition. So avoid driving on dirt roads and – very important – if these trips cannot be avoided, then at least slow down if the road surface is inferior. You can hardly drive slow enough when driving over potholes and bumps.
  • !If you are a lover of a sporty driving style, you should also say goodbye to that if you want to keep your shock absorbers in perfect condition for as long as possible. Sporty acceleration and sudden braking unnecessarily stress the components in question.

The conclusion and a tip from CarTipsandmore

Contrary to their name, the shock absorbers do not have the sole task of cushioning shocks. Shock absorbers ensure the correct balance of the entire body and prevent the vehicle from rolling and skidding, not only when braking, but also when cornering and accelerating. If you have noticed a change in driving behavior during everyday driving with your car, do not hesitate for a minute and seek direct contact with experienced specialists in a workshop. A visual inspection alone may not always be sufficient. Talk to a professional and have the shock absorbers replaced if necessary. Because only a car whose body is well balanced and does not swerve can give you the safety you desire on the road.

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